Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Maps of the Spiritual Oecumene

  We can think about things that are hidden after we have viewed the maps. Myriad conventions are assumed  in the physical reality of maps in the old sense. And this is just for earth. These too can be examined. The maps here are of things we cannot see, so if invisible, what are they maps of? Whatever it is, the raw form is clearer than the finished. George Bruce Moses, who executed the cover of Calendar, at the end of his short life began to paint heads in translucent white. 

Suppose in all of this the air we think clear is clogged with spiritual beings, everywhere swirling, which we can't see?  Oecumene means the known world bound together in a Mercator Projection. In older forms it excluded great parts unknown.

Coyote and bear were among the first effigies that emerged when I began to roll out sheets of clay and drape them over bricks or blocks until they molded themselves into something. This method produced FEMA railway cars, eagles, seal, badger, fox, large dogs,, the zodiac...Some of these are now extant. Maps generally signify greater and lesser detail, stylized and objective measures, but always with the notion that more may be hidden that is known, like the Google Maps of various regions and of the planets and moons.

First the sky, then the air, then the dry earth ironwood down to the aquifers. Life among the doves became part of me and I of it. I  lived in the southwest so long it entered my thought. All this in a physical sense the way appetite attracts. I wake each day after a few hours sleep to contemplate this likeness of myself before the sun intrudes. Here I explore the thought that comes with memory of life I experienced in the Germantown rows, Chartiers Valley, from which I canoed the upper reaches of the Allegheny, Clarion and Susquehanna rivers multiple times, explored Delaney's Cave the largest in Pa. so often before it was commercial that I could give tours, Schoolhouse cave, the grounds of Hellhole Cave, audited the American Viscose plants of Lewistown, Parkersburg, Meadville before they were shuttered, floods inundated with devastation, traveled and spoke in rural churches from Virginia to Toronto, lived and worked in Costa Rica with the Latin America Mission before its fall, visited all the reaches of Limon, Puntaranes, Roblealto, Turrialba, Cartago and the exploded Irazu, knew the Jersey Pine barrens, the lakes of Iowa, the beaches of North Carolina, and the highways of Texas leading to the Edwards plateau and its rivers and creeks and limestone hills, lived on the Balcones Fault above Bull Creek before the change, and tasted those secrets all the way from the madrones of  the Guadalupes and the reglas of the Chisos of Big Bend down to the muddy Rio Grande, all as a prelude to Arizona which I reckoned I could not live without, would always regret not knowing and so the orange groves were a pretext for that venture. I arrived and became acquainted with Bonita Porter and her love for literature and the southwest, scouted for her all the while. I took endless trips sketching on early summer mornings out McDowell before the freeways to the Four Peaks to sketch rocks and cactus on dirt roads all the up to the manzanita, with stops along the Verde and into the reservations, always with two children along, five and two, and dug out my car stuck in loose sand along the river with my bare hands with found chicken wire, saw car crashes and transported the bulbous squashed nose of a Papago out to the highway. We were at Chinle when the trail was still open to Canyon de Chelly and in the White Mts before the fires, and in Grand Canyon for weeks on the rim and down every trail the legs of those children could stand, and in Lake Powell, the Chiricahuas, countless times to El Paso, Albuquerque, Tucson, Flagstaff, and so it happened, so that explains the series of effigies after the Pueblo style that came through my hands: horse effigies, tortoise effigies, coyote, bear, human effigies as nonfunctional embellishments of artifacts that don't exist visually but do every other way. They fill the yard. Some of the red ribbons are out there. How in all this I was gifted with a wife after my own heart who gave me a family too, for He loves to put the solitary into families, and withal came to research and document that family into which I was born, Mennonite peasants back to the beginnings of Philadelphia in Montgomery County, then Philadelphia County, from which I was removed to experience the Chartiers and to which I was returned at 16 to the very locale of my ancestors' living is past explanation to contain. For I knew none of it in the making, but was redeemed from captivity and the unspeakable at 17, changed completely, memory included with knowledge, education added with ultimate understanding so that the account above could be plumbed.

Horse and Pony

Trojan Horse was let in the city because of its art. This replica was found in old papyrus had Greece in the belly.  After a light spray of shino over found clays laminated, red shino sprayed and waxed, some trigger pulls of clear  penetrated the wax and diffused the orange.
Pleistocene  Note from Pleistocene horse: He wants to stand "in the center where he can respond without end to the changing views" of the affirming and denying (Legge, Chuang Tzu, 183). He resolves it with this joke about his horse. What is a horse? His son will tell him what is a horse. It is different from what he said was a horse. They point that out, affirm and deny horse around. My kingdom horse! All unhorsed. Now comes the horse quote which in the age of sound bites is as a horse:

"By means of a finger (of my own) to illustrate that the finger (of another) is not a finger is not so good a plan as to illustrate that it is not so by means of what is (acknowledged to be) not a finger; and by means of (what I call) a horse to illustrate that (what another calls) a horse is not so, is not so good a plan as to illustrate that it is not a horse, by means of what is (acknowledged to be) not a horse. ( All things in) heaven and earth may be (dealt with as) a finger; (each of) their myriads may be  (dealt with as) a horse. Does a thing seem so to me? (I say that) it is so. Does it seem not so to me? (I say that) it is not so. We used to argue these things on long tennis trips, like the say that said, "Dust Storms May Exist," and austere elements of the periodic table. But it was a joke! "Separation led to completion, then ensued dissolution" (184). Let us give up devotion to our views and adopt the "ordinary." The ordinary can't be found among the immortals.

 Pit Pony-PONY is really Pit Pony, or Pit Poetry. He spent his life at the bottom of a coal mine. He is the last of his kind. The split on his leg is where it was broken. It healed and it got him back up in the air again. There's no point to a broken pit pony. What can he pull? He has a cousin, Pity, an experimental rabbit who lived in a cage in the basement of the Experimental Science Building. His scientists turned the cage against the wall. 

What is a horse? The universes of man will dispute. His sons will tell him what is a horse. It is different from what he said was a horse. They point that out, affirm and deny horsing around. That's it. "Separation led to completion, then ensued dissolution" (184). He says let us give up this devotion to our own views and adopt the "ordinary," meaning the simple use of things. Then stop (184). The ordinary is so arcane it can't be found among the immortals. Immortality, sageness, the superior man are all synonyms for idiot. We give everything to restore the commonplace world.

Pegasus-The Pegasus islands off the Aleutian coast are home to Pegasus. For that reason they are called the Illusion islands and baby Aleutians in childhood range the Pacific. Many babies are sighted  at birth before they fly away. Then you can see them. Later their colors reflect the ice and arctic environment, blues, whites, beige, frost colors make them hard to see against the clouds, which is why they are mythological in the first place. Whether there are real such flying horses who can doubt? These are modeled from my years among them. 

 Bear is the piano, Mountain the pianist, Wilderness the composer.
Genghis Khan’s horse 60 miles long

AE Reiff: that something hung in mid air by unseen gravities might not escape. He catalogues them just in case here.

Maps of the Spiritual Oecumene

  We can think about things that are hidden after we have viewed the maps. Myriad conventions are assumed  in the physical reality of maps...